Focused on the control systems solutions for fluid metering systems, and integrating various types of R & D, manufacturing, precision micro-liquid filling, measurement, atomization, liquid injection etc.


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Injection pump pump valve 99 Alumina processing hardness and processing brittleness how?

Injection pump pump valve 99 Alumina processing hardness and processing brittleness how?

99 alumina ceramics refers to engineering ceramics with alumina content higher than 99%, according to the provisions of the national standard GB/T5593-1999, 99 alumina ceramic materials have high hardness, high strength, low expansion coefficient, and insulation, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and have a wide range of applications in pump valves, machinery manufacturing, aerospace, precision instruments, petrochemical and other fields. Alumina ceramic parts are usually formed by isostatic pressing sintering, because sintering often brings deformation and shrinkage, it is generally necessary to further finish to ensure the dimensional accuracy and shape accuracy of the parts. However, alumina ceramic materials generally have large elastic modulus, high hardness, brittleness and strong crack sensitivity, so the difficulty of machining is mainly reflected in the processing hardness and processing brittleness.


The basic principle and control method of ceramic metering pump are analyzed

The basic principle and control method of ceramic metering pump are analyzed

Ceramic metering pump As the ideal metering equipment for precision fluid metering, injection, addition, packaging, drip, sampling, Ji kerr ceramic metering pump has been widely used in battery injection, biologics, micro electronics, food and beverage and chemical industry and other fields. In the high standard and high requirements of the production process process, it undertakes the task of adding and conveying the fluid medium with high precision, strong corrosion and toxicity. After years of practical application and technical improvement, ceramic metering pump has now entered its high-speed growth period. Now, due to the new material ceramic technology from raw material - sintering - precision processing continues to stabilize and mature.


Seven factors affect lithium-ion battery cycle performance

Seven factors affect lithium-ion battery cycle performance

We are most concerned about the battery than lithium-ion battery, because our mobile phone, pad, notebook battery is lithium-ion battery, its endurance has also been a key direction of enterprise research. The importance of cycle performance to lithium-ion batteries need not be said much, in terms of the macro, longer cycle life means less resource consumption, therefore, the factors affecting the cycle performance of lithium-ion batteries, is a problem that every person related to the lithium battery industry has to consider.


The large-scale industrialization of biomedicine in the world has entered a period of rapid development

The large-scale industrialization of biomedicine in the world has entered a period of rapid development

According to data, there are more than 220 biotech drugs in development worldwide, of which more than 1,700 have entered clinical trials. The rapid increase in the number of biotechnology drugs shows that the industrialization of world medicine in the 21st century is gradually entering the investment harvest period, and the global biomedical industry is growing rapidly.


Why is the price of oil going up even though our oil trade with Iran is normal?

Why is the price of oil going up even though our oil trade with Iran is normal?

We can't live a day without oil. Although our country has oil fields, it cannot be said that it is a very oil-poor country. But our country's oil demand is huge, in order to consider long-term development, we can not all rely on their own oil, after all, oil is a very limited resource, unlimited exploitation will not only cause the exhaustion of oil resources, but also cause harm to our ecological environment. Therefore, in recent years, China will only have limited oil exploration, most of the oil depends on imports.


Demand for new energy batteries grows steadily lithium hexafluorophosphate bids farewell to

Demand for new energy batteries grows steadily lithium hexafluorophosphate bids farewell to "cabbage price"

Analysts believe that the weak price of lithium hexafluorophosphate is closely related to the rapid expansion of production capacity of relevant enterprises in recent years, and the market oversupply is closely related to demand. However, with the steady growth of demand for new energy batteries, coupled with cost increases and other factors, the price of lithium hexafluorophosphate has reached the bottom, or will usher in a warming inflection point in 2019.


Ceramic injection pump, pump valve material subdivision and performance

Ceramic injection pump, pump valve material subdivision and performance

The main component of alumina ceramics is Al2O3, and the company uses 996 alumina. Alumina ceramics have various excellent properties. High temperature resistance,
generally can be used for a long time at 1600℃, corrosion resistance, high strength, high wear resistance. It is widely used in ceramic substrates, structural ceramic parts, sealing rings, etc


Why do lithium batteries produce gas when overcharged or overdischarged?

Why do lithium batteries produce gas when overcharged or overdischarged?

Ordinary lithium-ion batteries produce a small amount of gas inside the battery during the charging process,
which is generally absorbed during discharge. If the charging current is too large and often overcharged, the gas generation will be intensified,
and the internal pressure of the battery will increase resulting in swelling. A slight bulge in the battery is allowed,
and avoiding overcharge is the key to reducing the bulge phenomenon. In the production process of the battery cell liquid injection,
the requirement of liquid injection pump is high.


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